Who is afraid of Emotions? is a public engagement book on cultural conditionings and affective atmospheres with the collective experience of the pandemic hovering in the background.
PTA pandemia Covid-19 provocou um choque emocional em todo o mundo, convulsionando a vida como a conhecíamos e contaminando a nossa experiência íntima. Quem tem medo das emoções? reúne episódios em que condicionantes políticas, sociais e culturais dessa experiência são evidentes, fazendo uma ponte com abordagens teóricas contemporâneas, na esperança de ampliar uma consciência colectiva sobre como o quotidiano é atravessado por forças invisíveis que moldam os nossos desejos, pensamentos e comportamentos.
Who is afraid of Emotions? is a public engagement book on cultural conditionings and affective atmospheres with the collective experience of the pandemic hovering in the background.
Who is afraid of Emotions? is a public engagement book on cultural conditionings and affective atmospheres with the collective experience of the pandemic hovering in the background.


In Flow
Public Feelings and Practices of Awareness
Ana Pais
Ana Pais
Ana Pais
Cassiano Sydow Quilici, Javier Moscoso, Ciane Fernandes, Lisa Blackman
WorkshopsMaile Colbert, Cassiano Sydow Quilici, Ciane Fernandes, Javier Moscoso
Game Glória-Flow Anabela Rodrigues, Daniel Tércio, Raquel Freire, Rui Pina Coelho, Rui Tavares
Cassiano Sydow Quilici, Javier Moscoso, Ciane Fernandes, Lisa BlackmanWorkshops
Game Glória-Flow
The ebook Performance in the Public Sphere is a version of the printed paperback Performance na Esfera Pública (Orfeu Negro 2017).
It includes original essays and artist pages in English plus Projecto P! conference papers.
It includes original essays and artist pages in English plus Projecto P! conference papers.
Authors: Rebecca Schneider, Idalina Conde, Carla Cruz, Sandra Guerreiro Dias, David Helbich, Isabel Nogueira, Eleonora Fabião, Sevi Bayraktar, Jen Harvie, Christof Migone, Rui Mourão, Liliana Coutinho, Catherine Wood, Peggy Phelan, Ana Bigotte Vieira, Ana Borralho & João Galante, Sílvia Pinto Coelho, João Macdonald, Christine Greiner, Andrea Maciel, Paulo Raposo.
Publishers: Centro de Estudos de Teatro/FLUL and Performativa
Publishers: Centro de Estudos de Teatro/FLUL and Performativa
The 100th anniversary of the futurist conference by Almada Negreiros and Santa Rita Pintor motivated Projecto P!, a critical theory and curatorial programme about how performance art assembles, recreates and participates in the public sphere.
Projecto P! took place in several venues in Lisbon on 10-14 April 2017 involving an international conference, a selection of performances and the publication of the book Performance na Esfera Pública (Orfeu Negro, 2017).
Curatorial Team:
Ana Pais
Levina Valentim
Pedro Rocha
Ana Pais
Levina Valentim
Pedro Rocha